A new way to silicone-based peptide polymers

Angewandte Chemie, 2015, Volume: 54, Issue: 12, Pages: 3778-3782,  DOI: 10.1002/anie.201411065

S. Jebors, J. Ciccione, S. Al-Halifa, B. Nottelet, C. Enjalbal, C. M’Kadmi,  M. Amblard, A. Mehdi, J. Martinez, G. Subra


We describe a new class of silicone-contg. peptide polymers obtained by a straightforward polymn. in water using tailored chlorodimethylsilyl peptide blocks as monomeric units.  This general strategy is applicable to any type of peptide sequences, yielding linear or branched polymer chains composed of well-defined peptide sequences.