One-Pot Synthesis of Bioinspired Peptide-Decorated Apatite Nanoparticles for Nanomedicine
Small 2023, 2306358;
Mathilde Guérin, Aurélien Lebrun, Liisa Kuhn, Thierry Azaïs, Guillaume Laurent, Olivier Marsan, Christophe Drouet and Gilles Subra
Biomimetic apatite nanomaterials stabilized by bioactive peptides are described for the first time in Small.
They were obtained by a ‘one pot’ synthesis developed by Mathilde Guerin, funded by the Carnot Chimie Balard Cirimat Institute. The work was carried out in collaboration between the Peptide team at IBMM and Christophe Drouet’s team at Cirimat with the expertise of the Pole Chimie Balard Analysis platform.
These biomaterials have numerous potential applications in targeted nanomedicine but also for the treatment of complex wounds and were evaluated by the team of Liisa Kuhn of the university of Connecticut.